Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Every king needs a castle...

You know, the college where I work is quite an unusual place. It's a branch campus that is a bit out of the way, to put it mildly. Not exactly the middle of nowhere, but close enough that you might start to wonder. For example, when you drive up there, it's just as you start to get that nagging twitch in the back of your mind telling you that you must have missed the turn that boom! there it'll be on your left. Anyway, it seems to have attracted a number of the more eclectic programs for whatever reason. There's a farm setup where the vet techs get to practice their trade. There's a big dive tank where the underwater skills people can bob around and hopefully avoid the bends as they weld hull breaches or whatever it is they do down there. There's even a mock crime scene and mock courtroom for the police foundations and investigations people. I know, I know, that sounds cool, but I'm sure it is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like CSI in any way, shape, or form. I'm even told they used to bury cadavers out in the fields for forensics people to find in some macabre final exam. What, I wonder, happens if you find some body they DIDN'T put there? As I say, some interesting's just too bad access to most of these places is strictly controlled for various really important reasons. After all, I might like to try a stint of forensic anthropology; just imagine how that would sound at dinner. "What do you do?" "Baby...CSI...C...S...I!!!" Well, around here I think it's CSU actually, but I'm splitting hairs.

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