Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Victoria Day

It's supposed to be the 24 weekend, as the kids say these days, but Victoria Day is one of those strange holidays that falls on a particular day rather than a date, which is odd when you consider that it's supposed to be commemorating Queen Victoria's birthday. Accordingly, you would imagine that she knew very well the definite date that her birthday fell on; but no, Victoria Day is like the third Monday of May, go figure. Yes, in other words it's actually gone and past as of last Monday the 21st. It is not unlike Labour Day in that regard, but at least they're both an excuse to blow some sh#t up, by which I mean fireworks. The fireworks magically appear from the extradimensional warehouse they've been sitting in all year, then come Tuesday they're all illegal again and poof! they're gone to the same place Christmas CDs go until next year. So I had a really long weekend, which for me is really saying something. As in, a four day weekend as opposed to some point, that will become the week rather than the weekend...four days is more than half the week, after all. I didn't do too much, mostly relaxed (maybe a little too much, such a waste of time sleeping) and while on the one hand it's a nice break, it's also time I am not working and therefore not making money. That is not so good. Ah well, c'est la vie...

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