March towards the thunder of the guns
The inner historian in me has a particular passion for military history, although I pay homage to all facets of history in general. In that vein, I like to visit famous battlefields when I can. I'm slowly checking off a "greatest hits list", if you will. While I was down in Pennsylvania, I finally managed to cross Gettysburg off of my list. Joseph Stalin once referred to artillery as the god of war, and he wasn't wrong. No other arm of service can deliver the sheer amount of firepower to a given location in as short a period of time as artillery can. Granted, we've come a long way since the earliest black powder bombards and crude arquebuses, and here I'm standing by a few prime Civil War-era examples. I want to say 12-pounder Napoleons, but I could be wrong. Anyway, this is a pretty typical battery (there's a few more guns behind us). They're positioned around the battlefield as they were on the days of the battle.
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