Wednesday, February 14, 2007

6, 576, 358, 816 and counting.

6, 576, 358, 816 and counting. That was the current estimated world population as of today. That's quite a lot of people, and over a given lifetime I suppose you would interact with a mere handful of those in the grand scheme of things. Of those, each one would be a unique and distinct individual, and for better or worse your life would be changed (to varying degrees) for having met them. So out of all those six and half billion or so people, why does only one of them exert such power over me? Why does that one person haunt me so? What poisonous compulsion is this that causes me to dwell upon equal parts melancholy and bittersweet, of times that seemed happy but are now so far away? I can feel the first twinges of self-pity tugging at the back of my heart and mind, threatening to pull me back into the murk I wallowed in for so many years, and I don't want to go there. I can hear the dark shadows and grim angels of my baser nature whispering of the sweet oblivion of despair, and I try to shut them out for the waste of time that they are. Think on brighter and better things, then. All this will pass, and tomorrow is another day.

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